Thank You 2021 Fashion Show Sponsors

After a year delay due to COVID, we finally got to put on our THRU to Success Fashion Show & Clothing Drive … and the partnership between THRU Project and Dress for Success San Antonio was a HUGE success!
This is the first time ever that THRU Project has partnered with another nonprofit for an event this size. The event kicked off with a month-long community clothing drive. Two of our main event sponsors, Alamo Title Company and First Centennial Mortgage, served as drop off sites for clothing donations all across the city.

“Your clothing donations moved mountains for our cause,” said Dress for Success San Antonio Interim Executive Director Stephanie Shokrian,
“The clothing donations from the THRU to Success Fashion Show Clothing Drive were top notch, current, beautifully maintained, and certainly not throw-aways or hand-me-downs! Thank YOU for opening your closets and donating some of your most treasured attire! Your generosity and your hearts were beaming with each donation and please know that they have already been put to excellent use! Because of your decision to gift professional attire, you have helped a woman in your community have one less obstacle in her path as she takes the first step forward toward regaining self-sufficiency for herself and her family! YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE. Thank you!”
The big night for the fashion show portion of this dual fundraiser came on a Thursday night in July after a week of heavy rains and flooding in San Antonio. We were all biting our nails over the thought of having to delay our event … again … because of weather, but the rain held off!
It was a very special day for several of our youth who volunteered to walk the catwalk as models in our fashion show. The two organizations wanted to pamper the youth and really make it a memorable day. The THRU Project youth were treated to full makeup, hair, and nails, courtesy of The Salon Professional Academy of San Antonio as well as an outfit for the show, courtesy of Otra Vez Couture Consignment. We can’t forget to thank Papa John’s for treating us all to dinner at the salon!

Photos courtesy of Glass Lake Media.
View the full event photo gallery.
Guests arrived for the sold-out event which featured the most gorgeous backdrop, the product showroom of another event sponsor, Lighting Inc on 1604 between Bitters and NW Military. The lighting couldn’t have been more perfect for this event! We had some wonderful raffle prizes: a two-night stay in Fredericksburg donated by Zamora Callis, an 5-course Italian dinner for 8 people donated by Scuzzi’s Italian Restaurant, and a unique pendant light valued at over $1100 donated by Lighting Inc. Music was provided by Music for Advanced Listeners. The food and drink were graciously provided by Scuzzi’s Italian Restaurant, Artesia Springs Water, and Ranger Creek Brewing and Distillery. All of our print materials were donated by Accuprint.

Photos courtesy of Glass Lake Media.
View the full event photo gallery.
We can’t forget to thank Glass Lake Media for capturing the fun and the heart of the whole evening with these beautiful photographs. All the proceeds raised from the THRU to Success Fashion Show & Clothing Drive will be equally shared to support the missions of THRU Project and Dress for Success San Antonio.
Thank you to all of our donors and sponsors for making this night a reality and such a success and . . . we’ll definitely see you next year!