Melanie's Story

Melanie was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She was removed from her mother’s care after a CPS investigation discovered ongoing drug use by her mother and evidence of neglect. As a teenager, Melanie began a relationship with a young man who was physically and verbally abusive towards her. Melanie escaped this relationship and went to live at SJRC when she found out she was pregnant. When she turned 18, and shortly after giving birth to her son, she entered extended foster care and was accepted into THRU Project’s Supervised Independent Living (SIL) program.
This move put Melanie’s life on the fast track to success! She enrolled in San Antonio College to study Criminal Justice and has been an honor student since the beginning. She is raising her son by herself and has recently been accepted into the Police Academy. She has been excelling in her coursework at the academy and is due to graduate in January. From there she hopes to find employment with either the SAPD or Alamo Heights Police Departments and continue working toward her degree.
Melanie’s ultimate dream is to be a member of the SWAT Team and to utilize her knowledge and skills to help women and children who are victims of domestic violence. Her ability to take her own traumatic experiences and turn them into a passion for helping vulnerable populations is genuinely admirable.
Melanie turned 21 in December and aged out of extended foster care. Because of her continued success, Melanie has continued to receive housing through our College Housing Program to assist with finishing her educational and career goals. With the support of THRU Project, she has completed her training at the police academy. Melanie now holds the power to forge a bright future for both her son and herself.